Current Series: 10:10 Life
Jesus said..."The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Would you describe your life, your relationships, your connections as abundant? So many of us are not living the life Jesus desires us to live. Join us next week as we learn to live ABUNDANTLY.
Happening Now@ The Quest
Want to know more about Connect Groups? Looking for a group to join? Discovering Connect Groups is the perfect place to get your questions answered, and get connected! Come find out more about how you can be apart of Connect Groups here at The Quest!
At The Quest we believe that life change happens best in small groups. We were not meant to do life alone, but instead have significant connections with others. Connect Groups are a great way to make this happen! Our spring session of Connect Groups begins the week of April 6th and registration is now open!
Join us at The Quest this Easter! We have several different options of gathering times, so check out which one you'd like to attend and join us in celebrating Easter together.
Whether you’ve visited The Quest once or several times, we would love to get to know you and let you know a little more about who we are as a church! Come check out Discovering The Quest!
Children are a gift from God, and parents are given the responsibility to train and guide them. If you have a young child you would like to dedicate, join us for a Parent Seminar and then the opportunity to dedicate your child the following week.
We all experience brokenness in life. At re:generation, we believe that anyone can experience new life and freedom by working through steps of healing given to us by God through the Bible. All who are tired, broken or hurting are invited to come find recovery in Jesus Christ. Find out more about how you can begin this process through Re:generation.
We have a streamlined Children’s Ministry check-in process that allows for touch-less check-ins. Just download Church Center App on either Google Play or App Store and it will walk you through the set-up. If you have any questions, just reach out to us via email so we can help get you set up!
If you’re watching online we would love for you to fill out a communication card and tell us a little about yourself!
During these times of uncertainty, we remain certain that our great God’s ears are open to the prayers of His people. Please let us know how our Prayer Team can be praying for you.
Would you like more info on becoming a follower of Jesus? Just click below and we will get the best tool we have into your hands this week.