SYMBIS Seminar for Engaged, Recently Married and Any Couple who wants to build a stronger marriage.

You can build your marriage on more than a hope and a prayer. The SYMBIS Seminar & Assessment will provide you with a personalized road map to making your marriage everything it was meant to be. The next SYMBIS Seminar will be held September 25, 2021.

Through SYMBIS you’ll discover:

  • Your Personalities - discover strengths you both bring to marriage

  • Your Love Life - cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion

  • Your Fight Types - discover your “hot topics”

  • Your Talk Styles - crack the code for heartfelt and lasting connections

  • Your Deepest Longing - create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection

  • Your Money Methods - kick financial worries to the curb and deepen your connection with one another

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Preparing for life-long love is one of the most important things you will ever do. And SYMBIS is a great way for you to discover and chart your path – together – for doing just that. Attend the SYMBIS Seminar and you’ll have a new and helpful understanding of how to take your love for each other to even deeper levels.

Don’t let the title of this seminar confuse you.  While more than a million couples have used the award-winning Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS) to prepare for a strong and passionate marriage; any couple who wants to cultivate a stronger and more passionate marriage will reap the benefits of attending a SYMBIS seminar.

For engaged couples, in addition to preparing for lifelong love, upon completion of the SYMBIS seminar you’ll be eligible to receive a $60 discount on your marriage license and waiver of the 72-hour waiting period.

Questions? Contact The Quest Church at 972.635.7222 or email us Here. Learn more about SYMBIS at

A minimum of 3 days advance registration is required so that you and your fiancée can complete the SYMBIS assessment online prior to the seminar. Provide a current email address for each person and within 24-hours after registration you will receive an invitation to complete your personalized SYMBIS assessment.